Soul Coaching

find your empowered potential and embrace your inner goddess

Goddess Photography Helsinki

Do you feel something is missing in your life? Maybe you lack energy or direction, you’ve lost your spark or you feel stressed all the time…. Or would you like to invite more love, confidence, connection, purpose or inspiration into your life, by unlocking the secret messages from within?

If any of these resonate, then the 28 Day Soul Coaching® Program is definitely for you. The program has been created for all of us looking to find our purpose and introduce positive change in any all areas of our life, from relationships to health, to career and much much more. Your program will prepare you for your unique goddess photography experience.

Each journey is unique and will take you exactly where you need to go to enable the most positive transformation for you and your intention for change. As you learn to accept every part of who you are, you will open your life to the joy and wonder of your heart and soul … and miracles really will occur.

The emphasis of this 4 week online course is to:

  • Discover who you are, why you’re here, what your mission is and take action

  • Declutter and heal your life, home, mind, body and soul

  • Experience living life at a peaceful and moderate pace while achieving more

  • Learn to love yourself

  • Rejuvenate your energy

  • Break old habits and confront your fears

  • Remove the stress, struggle and distractions in your life

  • Experience the positive effects of meditation and affirmations

  • Practice what it feels like to commit to 20mins a day just for you


Coaching to Find Your Empowered Potential

28 Day Soul coaching® program

Your 28 Day Soul Coaching® Program is a decluttering and reconnection of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life. You will rediscover your past, present, and future to determine who it is you truly want to be and how you can create this.

Week 1 – Air Week:
Detox Your Mind

Goddess photography

You will free your Mental Self by releasing clutter and allowing inspiration, new beginnings, and transformation into your life.

Week 2 – Water Week:
Elevate Your Mood

You will cleanse and detoxify your Emotional Self by going within to heal, nurture and let go.

Week 3 – Fire Week: Illuminate Your Spirit

You will purify your Spiritual Self by embracing risk taking, courage and strength into your life.

Week 4 – Earth Week: Embrace Your Body

Goddess Photography Helsinki

You will rebirth your Physical Self through growth, grounding and connectedness.


The final week is an opportunity to reflect and allow the gratitude of your journey to awaken as you spend some time reviewing your amazing journey. You will receive instructions for creating a vision board about what you want to manifest in your life next and we will go through it together to plan your photoshoot.


What outcomes can I expect from my soul coaching and photography experience?

  • Experience, expand and evolve beyond what you think is possible in your life.

  • Reclaim your power and never let it go again

  • Break the cycle of disempowerment that holds you back

  • Embrace your shadow and radiate your shine

  • Disrupt doubt to awaken your creative genius

  • Let go of the story that keeps you trapped

  • Take back control of your life and the direction you are heading

  • Find your true voice and ensure the world hears it

  • Learn to believe in yourself and your vision

  • Discover your purpose, greatest passion, your WHY

  • Uncover the power of manifestation already within you

  • Tap into the uninhibited, unlimited power of your soul